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The importance of brassica post-emergence crop protection

Corteva Agriscience leverages global research and local knowledge of forage brassica production in New Zealand to offer a range of herbicides and insecticides that combat weeds and pests effectively.

A dense weed infestation in a brassica crop can drastically reduce yield potential and quality. To avoid this, Corteva emphasises crop protection from weeds from emergence through to canopy closure, reducing competition for light, water, and nutrients. Effective weed control not only limits competition in the crop for natural resources but also aids future pasture rotations by reducing the weed seed burden in the soil. This is particularly important for managing persistent weeds like Californian thistle, yarrow, and dock.

Maintaining adequate plant population and a dense crop canopy is one of the most effective ways to suppress weeds. Achieving this requires rapid crop emergence and growth, supported by soil fertility, proper seedbed preparation, high-quality seed, and accurate planting depth. While herbicides can assist in this process, post-emergence applications should focus on the growth stage of the weed rather than that of the crop. It’s crucial not to delay treatment when targeting both weeds and pests—addressing each problem as soon as it arises to ensure effective control.

Herbicide Solutions

Glen Surgenor, Corteva Agriscience’s Marketing Manager, highlights the increasing focus on optimising crop performance from the outset. Corteva’s broadleaf herbicides, including Milestone®, Korvetto®, and Radiate®, are designed to help farmers achieve this.

Milestone combines two active ingredients— aminopyralid and clopyralid—and offers excellent control of thistles and a broad weed spectrum, including wireweed and plantain. According to Glen, Milestone was a world-first product in forage brassicas, replacing the previous T-Max® formulation and offering farmers improved crop safety.

Korvetto, launched six years ago, remains popular due to its short plant-back time and superior crop safety. It effectively controls hard-to-kill weeds like shepherd’s purse and provides flexibility with crop rotations. Korvetto has a three-month plant-back period for clover and a six-month period for fodder beet, while maize, cereals, ryegrass, and forage brassicas have no plant-back restrictions. Its formulation combines Corteva’s new Arylex® active ingredient with the trusted chemistry of clopyralid, providing robust control of key brassica weeds.

Radiate, though older, remains a cost-effective solution for controlling specific weeds like fathen in brassica crops.

Pest Control in Brassicas

When pests such as diamondback moth, white butterfly, looper caterpillars, or aphids threaten forage brassica crops, acting quickly is critical. Caterpillars can cause significant damage by reducing leaf area, while aphids spread plant viruses and create entry points for diseases that can negatively impact yield potential.

Natural predators like brown lacewing, ladybird beetles, hoverflies, and parasitic wasps provide essential biological control. Monitoring crops for both pests and beneficial insects is crucial. If pest populations increase, Corteva offers insecticides such as Sparta® and Transform® that are designed to minimise harm to beneficial insects.

Sparta controls caterpillars through contact and ingestion, while its translaminar activity ensures insects feeding on the underside of leaves are affected. Transform is both a contact and systemic insecticide, providing rapid knockdown and long-lasting protection. Its systemic properties resist wash-off, offering up to 21 days of aphid control and reducing the chances of re-infestation.

Together, Sparta and Transform are highly effective for managing key insect pests in forage brassicas. Both products have excellent safety profiles, ensuring a low environmental impact and protecting applicator health.

For more detailed advice on using these products, farmers are encouraged to consult their local Ruralco Representative and always refer to product labels for usage guidelines.


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